
Combined summary - Subscript rendering in graph broken in Safari

Combined summary - Subscript rendering in graph broken in Safari

The email discusses various issues and insights related to using Mermaid, a tool for creating diagrams, which is different from Graphviz.

It outlines the importance of reporting problems encountered, especially those concerning rendering on Safari, by filing an issue on Mermaid's GitHub page. Highlighting a Safari rendering bug suggests that some problems may be browser-specific, thereby narrowing down troubleshooting efforts. Providing demonstrations of malfunctions is emphasized as crucial for aiding developers in identifying and resolving issues.

The sender details an incident experienced within a live editor, presenting an unexpected error or output, highlighted through an image in the email. This uncertainty about the role of Graphviz and unfamiliarity with both the Delving forum and Mermaid signifies a gap in understanding, complicating the process of confidently addressing the problem. The email implies a request for guidance on how to proceed, indicating a need for expertise in navigating these technical challenges.

Further exploration into a specific code snippet's behavior across different platforms, such as a gist and the live editor, is advised. This code aims to depict the relationships between nodes using Mermaid's syntax, facilitating the visual representation of their connections. Reporting inconsistencies or bugs directly to Mermaid's developers is encouraged to support the tool's improvement. In instances where issues are resolved, updating the relevant component manually within one's projects before official integration is suggested as an interim solution, ensuring continued functionality.

A peculiar glitch was identified when viewing cluster mempool issues through Safari on macOS versions 13.6.4 and 14.3.1, involving the misplacement of subscript numbers within a transaction graph. This rendering anomaly, specific to Safari, contrasts with Chrome's accurate display, indicating a potential compatibility issue. This finding was shared in a meta topic to maintain focus on the primary discussion surrounding cluster mempool, highlighting the significance of browser-specific differences in rendering and the necessity for targeted troubleshooting approaches.

Discussion History

sjors Original Post
February 26, 2024 17:48 UTC
February 27, 2024 05:56 UTC
February 27, 2024 12:02 UTC
February 27, 2024 19:05 UTC
February 28, 2024 10:02 UTC