
Subscript rendering in graph broken in Safari

Subscript rendering in graph broken in Safari

Posted on: February 26, 2024 17:48 UTC

In the exploration of cluster mempool issues, a peculiar glitch was identified specifically when viewing through Safari on macOS versions 13.6.4 and 14.3.1.

The glitch pertains to the rendering of subscript numbers within a transaction graph. Unlike their intended placement, these subscripts are found clustered in the top-left corner of the graph, deviating from their correct positions. This anomaly disrupts the visual representation and understanding of the data. Interestingly, this issue does not manifest across all browsers; for instance, Chrome displays the graph and its subscripts accurately without any misplacement. This discrepancy in rendering between browsers highlights a potential compatibility or rendering issue specific to Safari on the mentioned macOS versions. The issue was brought forward in a meta topic to avoid diverting attention from the primary discussion surrounding cluster mempool.