
Bitcoin Core 26.1 released

Bitcoin Core 26.1 released

Original Postby Gloria Zhao

Posted on: April 3, 2024 10:26 UTC

The latest release of Bitcoin Core, version 26.1, is now available for download.

Users can obtain this new version from the official Bitcoin Core website or through BitTorrent using the provided magnet link. This update introduces a variety of bug fixes and performance enhancements alongside updated translations to improve the overall user experience.

For those looking to upgrade from an older version of Bitcoin Core, it is advised to properly shut down the existing version before proceeding with the installation of 26.1. This process may require some time, especially if migrating from a version that has reached its end of life (EOL), due to potential data directory migrations. However, it's worth noting that older wallet versions remain supported by the new release.

Compatibility for Bitcoin Core extends across several operating systems, with extensive testing and support focused on Linux kernel-based systems, macOS 11.0 and newer, as well as Windows 7 and above. While Bitcoin Core may operate on other Unix-like systems, it is not recommended to run the software on unsupported platforms due to fewer testing instances.

Significant updates in version 26.1 include improvements to wallet functionality, such as adjustments to transaction scanning and keypool management for descriptor wallets, and various RPC fixes that address issues like getrawtransaction segfaults and .cookie file retention. Additionally, the release brings enhancements related to P2P and network operations, including I2P session creation and block processing protocols.

From a development perspective, this version implements changes aimed at increasing the stability and security of the software, such as utilizing a hardened runtime on macOS builds and addressing specific build options. The continuous integration (CI) process also saw updates to ensure smoother operation across different environments, including modifications to mitigate unrelated failures and fix job-specific issues.

This release was made possible through the contributions of numerous individuals, highlighting the collaborative effort of the Bitcoin Core development community. Contributors range from developers focusing on core functionalities and testing to those involved in translation efforts, all working together to enhance the reliability and efficiency of Bitcoin Core.