
Adding New BIP Editors

Adding New BIP Editors

Original Postby Keagan McClelland

Posted on: March 29, 2024 22:17 UTC

The mail expresses a preference for Murch and Roasbeef as top candidates for the role of BIP (Bitcoin Improvement Proposal) editor.

These individuals are favored because of their open-minded approach towards experimentation within the Bitcoin community, a trait considered valuable for this position. The sender emphasizes the importance of an editor who welcomes quality proposals without letting personal biases interfere with their judgment. This approach allows for a diverse range of ideas to be considered on their own merits.

Furthermore, the message highlights the advantage of incorporating perspectives from outside the traditional "Core" group of contributors. This inclusion is seen as beneficial to the editorial process, suggesting that it could lead to a more comprehensive and varied collection of improvement proposals. By valuing a non-Core perspective, the sender believes it would enrich the decision-making process, ensuring that the BIP editing role remains unbiased and inclusive.